Business Liquidation

Welcome to Insolvency Direct's online Business liquidation system. The only place to liquidate your business online.

1. Two Minute Assessment

Do you qualify for liquidation? What assets and liabilities do you have. Work through our liquidation wizard to get a quote for liquidating your company.

2. Online Liquidation

Start the Liquidation process now. Click here and follow our step by step system to get the liquidation started. You can log back in anytime

3. Appointing your Liquidator

A meeting will typically take place at our Cheltenham office. After this meeting the company and it's liabilities are no longer your responsibility.

Direct about Company Liquidation

Putting your company into liquidation

When a company is solvent, it is controlled by the Directors. When a company is insolvent, the Directors can place the company in the hands of a Liquidator, who then deals with the Liquidation / winding-up.

The Directors duties and powers cease, and they can move on to new opportunities, (having learned a few lessons along the way).

Learn more about Liquidation

Direct about Insolvency to Directors

Insolvent company – director in the firing line?

The good news is that our Insolvency laws are director friendly, drafted to promote a culture of entrepreneurship, to promote commerce by mitigating the financial and legal impact of a company failure.

A rescue culture.

Exclusive Online Prices

We give you, the Director, direct access to the liquidation process of your company.

Our systems ensure the transition to Liquidation is seamless, legally correct, and cost effective.

Our technology provides an efficient liquidation service, at a fair price.

Insolvency Direct – setting standards